Note 23187

Date/Time From:2022-08-14 @ 1730
Date/Time To:2022-08-14 @ 1935
Entrant:Dan A
Time Entered:2022-08-14 20:37:19
Time Updated:2022-08-14 21:32:03
Time Uploaded:2022-08-14 21:32:04
Note:Nothing of note during my observation until 1850 when steamboats activity picked up and at 1900 there’s was concerted north/south with vertical north and angled south that put a nice babbling brook down the channel, at 1906 and 1920 there were concerted minors with vertical north and sustained angled south that put down raging rivers. Unfortunately south vent refused to go vertical, there were was no direct follow up to the minors, and activity prior to this period of activity was very weak with thin north and weak south runoff. Steamboat seemed be winding down in activity when I left at 1935. Also trough still crystal clear.

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