Eruption 1413590

Geyser:North Goggle
Time Entered:2023-06-11 06:38:52
Time Updated:2023-06-11 12:00:25
Time Uploaded:2023-06-11 12:00:26
Submitted to:GeyserTimes for Android
Comments:Came up bubbling after extended fill and sat below overflow at 0630 till the eruption push. First time it overflowed, just after the Lion initial. Strong boiling at depth. 0643 boily rise and drop without overflow. Strong boil at depth. 0650 boil and weak overflow. Little boil at depth. 0659 Boil and overflow. 0710 bubbling and overflow. Overflow 0720, 0728, 0737, 0746, , 0804, 0812, 0821 small boil this time, 0830 calm, 0839 some bubbling, 0848 bubbling. Gap in observation. Overflow 1021 calm, 1030 with small boil after Lion, , 1049 nice small boil, 1058 slightly stronger boil, 1107 similar boil, 1117 slightly weaker boil, 1126 weaker boil, 1135 better boil, 1145 weak on the rise but started an extended fill.

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