Last Known Eruption
10y 94d 8h 33m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
26 Apr 2014 @ 1110 ie

Interval Statistics

Not enough entries to compute statistics.

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
34831 02 Jun 2024 @ 0651 --- Graham In overflow. Chromatic down.
34430 04 May 2024 @ 1242 --- Janet Jones In overflow, but not fully. Much of the area under the boardwalk was drying up, but still dampish. No overflow from Chromatic Pool.
34292 21 Apr 2024 @ 1113 --- SantaFe108 Vibrant and overflowing, Chromatic Pool dark and below overflow.
33026 18 Dec 2023 @ 1309 --- mhreed Very much in overflow
31479 27 Nov 2023 @ 1225 --- Mkeller In overflow
28758 14 Oct 2023 @ 1410 --- aferrara Sustained bubbling for about 60s over the vent. Overflowing. Runoff 148F at the boardwalk.
28729 10 Oct 2023 @ 1504 --- aferrara Steady overflow, bacteria and algae starting to colonize runoff channel. Runoff 151°F.
28680 07 Oct 2023 @ 1758 --- SantaFe108 Overflowing. Chromatic Pool below overflow.
24235 05 Oct 2022 @ 1155 --- DanS Below overflow
24157 29 Sep 2022 @ 1035 --- Tara water level down a few inches from rim
22339 05 Jul 2022 @ 0905 --- aferrara high water with a constant trickle of overflow toward boardwalk
21953 12 Jun 2022 @ 1509 --- Graham Has dropped lower than yesterday.Chromatic has dropped below overflow today.
21907 10 Jun 2022 @ 2113 --- Forestbewithyou Below overflow
21871 09 Jun 2022 @ 1316 --- Forestbewithyou About 2-3 inches below overflow
21360 19 May 2022 @ 0623 --- Graham In overflow.
17491 05 Jun 2021 @ 1751 --- WillBoekel not in overflow
16442 19 Oct 2020 @ 1142 --- am 3 inches below rim
14815 30 Jun 2020 @ 1844 --- bhoppe Overflowing
11134 29 Apr 2019 @ 1400 --- Polly About twice the size of Chromatic but no overflow.
10788 25 Dec 2018 @ 1110 --- Janet Jones In overflow but not by much. Water not under the boardwalk yet.
10697 01 Nov 2018 @ 1140 --- steve Beauty pool is in light overflow
8558 02 Jun 2018 @ 1640 --- Siegmund Neither Beauty nor Chromatic is overflowing (both ~10cm below overflow.) I don't recall any prior season where this has happened, including previous Oblong dormancies.
7877 27 Jan 2018 @ 1400 --- Graham Neither Beauty nor Chromatic are in overflow. Both are surrounded by snow.
7740 24 Oct 2017 @ 1543 --- DanS Low energy with red brown growth at both B and Chromatic. Only small amount of overflow at B.
7694 23 Sep 2017 @ 1341 --- Polly Energy at Beauty Pool.
4817 02 Aug 2017 @ 1802 --- bhoppe In overflow. Chromatic not overflowing.
3982 21 Apr 2017 @ 1121 --- Micah Kipple Overflowing.
3837 02 Nov 2016 @ 1447 --- udo In overflow.
2756 16 Apr 2016 @ 1400 --- Polly Energy at Beauty Pool.
2728 15 Apr 2016 @ 2008 --- WillBoekel overflowing
2676 11 Feb 2016 @ 1629 --- WillBoekel beauty is overflowing. chromatic is down
1560 04 May 2015 @ 1311 --- Janet Jones Beauty Pool barely in overflow - possible shift to Chromatic starting.
1513 16 Jan 2015 @ 1200 19 Jan 2015 @ 1200 WillBoekel Beauty Pool is up and Chromatic is down
1444 08 Oct 2014 @ 0000 08 Oct 2014 @ 2359 Janet Jones Beauty Pool not in overflow.
1052 26 Apr 2014 @ 0000 26 Apr 2014 @ 2359 WillBoekel Overflowing
802 15 May 2013 @ 0000 15 May 2013 @ 2359 Janet Jones Was overflowing both away from the boardwalk and under the boardwalk.
773 20 Apr 2013 @ 1014 --- WillBoekel Overflowing 1014
1013 11 Sep 2008 @ 0000 11 Sep 2008 @ 2359 BoekelUpload Chromatic is down and Beauty is high
15860 03 Sep 1997 @ 0715 --- JarnoO exchange from Chromatic to Beauty before 0715
15820 04 May 1997 @ 0000 04 May 1997 @ 2359 JarnoO Beauty and Chromatic switch: Chromatic high
15251 30 Jun 1996 @ 0000 30 Jun 1996 @ 0600 JarnoO exchanged function overnight back to Beauty
15238 15 Jun 1996 @ 1430 --- JarnoO exchange of function; both flowing at 1430
14399 02 Oct 1995 @ 0000 03 Oct 1995 @ 0600 JarnoO switch to Beauty dominant began Monday, complete by Tues{day} morn{ing}
14337 27 Jul 1995 @ 0000 27 Jul 1995 @ 2359 JarnoO exchange of function: Chromatic in overflow
12766 03 Nov 1994 @ 0000 --- JarnoO exchange of function to Beauty Pool overnight between 1600 11/2 and long before 1331 11/3
5672 27 Aug 1992 @ 0000 --- JarnoO exchange of function, Beauty dominant, changed overnight since 8/26 2000 {not sure if 2000 is meant as a time of estimate exchange of function}
5163 01 Apr 1992 @ 0000 --- JarnoO exchange of function {with Chromatic Pool} between 1900 3/31 and 0800 4/1
597 18 Aug 1976 @ 0000 18 Aug 1976 @ 2359 BoekelUpload much overflow algae ok
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