Last Known Eruption
92y 287d 13h 57m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
03 Feb 1932 @ 142645m 1h 1m
03 Feb 1932 @ 13256m 30s 1h 0m
03 Feb 1932 @ 12254m 1h 0m
03 Feb 1932 @ 11254m

Interval Statistics

Interval Count3
Min1h 0m
Max1h 1m
Mean1h 0m
Median1h 0m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
37720 24 Oct 2024 @ 1532 --- SantaFe108 Murky, bubbling from numerous spots on the left side + frying pan noise somewhere on the far side. Overflowing. 3 trees feature is active.
37643 19 Oct 2024 @ 1451 --- MAB fairly clear and high - lots of bubbles coming from under the shelf and two boils farther out in the pool - none as far as mid pool - Three Trees 2018 spouter small boils across whole vent area sizzling away like a frying pan
37470 10 Oct 2024 @ 0956 --- SantaFe108 Clear and overflowing, no bubbling. 3 trees feature ie.
37386 03 Oct 2024 @ 1610 --- SantaFe108 Full, clear, overflowing with no bubbles. 3 trees feature blooping.
37258 29 Sep 2024 @ 1040 --- TSBryan time approximate, with steam gone, a pretty clear green pool, flat with NO visible bubbling anywhere within the spring.
37213 28 Sep 2024 @ 1518 --- cb pool is high, overflowing, clear, blue green and still has a few scattered bubblers (frog farts)on the shelf and strings of bubbles on the side closest to the bw. 3 Trees feature is active and erupting to 3"
37194 27 Sep 2024 @ 1847 --- cb pool is high, clear, overflowing, and has not changed color, but a few bubbles are breaking the surface at the mouth of the overflow channel and along the shelf in front of 3 Trees feature. It is still VERY steamy!
37178 26 Sep 2024 @ 1815 --- cb pool is very steamy also. clear, calm, and overflowing.
36843 07 Sep 2024 @ 1808 --- Kyle clear and calm
36808 06 Sep 2024 @ 1418 --- cb in overflow, clear as a bell, and blue green in color. I did see a thin stream of tiny bubbles breaking the surface on the edge of the pool north of the thumb and on the edge closest to the bw. 3 trees has a consistent 3" boil and overflowing
36578 27 Aug 2024 @ 1824 --- cb Pool is clear, calm, green and overflowing
36444 18 Aug 2024 @ 1053 --- Craigmon99 Beautiful green. In overflow. Calm
36170 29 Jul 2024 @ 1642 --- cb Crystal clear, pool lower than ive seen but still overflowing. Green, calm & clear
36113 26 Jul 2024 @ 0930 --- cb no change. pool is greenish blue, overflowing, clear, calm
36049 23 Jul 2024 @ 0949 --- cb Very steamy for a warm morning. clear, greenish blue, calm and in overflow
36005 20 Jul 2024 @ 1944 --- cb Pool is very high, overflowing, clear, greenish blue with just a few random bubbles breaking the surface.
35984 19 Jul 2024 @ 0834 --- cb Very steamy this morning but looks clear, green, calm and in overflow.
35879 13 Jul 2024 @ 1830 --- cb clear, green, in overflow with scattered occational bubbles breaking the surface. some along the shallow edge shelf, a few in front of the runoff channel & along the edge closest to the bw. Occational is the key word here!
35848 11 Jul 2024 @ 1914 --- bbev Bubbles seen walking out.
35841 11 Jul 2024 @ 1050 --- cb Clear, calm, no bubbles, pool slightly lower than previous days
35786 08 Jul 2024 @ 1433 --- Polly Seems to be clearing. Fewer tiny bubbles coming up from spots in the pool. I only counted 3 spots near edges where bubbles were appearing.
35769 07 Jul 2024 @ 1638 --- Polly Tiny bubbles all over the pool this afternoon. 3 Trees feature is active.
35734 05 Jul 2024 @ 1715 --- Polly Crystal clear.
35716 04 Jul 2024 @ 1719 --- cb Clear, green, calm and pool level is high with a fair amount of water overflowing down the channel. 3 Trees feature is still consistently erupting 2-3"
35680 02 Jul 2024 @ 1625 --- cb clear, greenish blue, overflowing. 3Trees bubbling to ~3" consistently
35061 10 Jun 2024 @ 0850 --- SantaFe108 Lightly overflowing, three trees blooping. Water is slightly murky but no bubbling, likely from recent thunderstorms.
34993 08 Jun 2024 @ 1043 --- cb calm clear green in overflow
34598 17 May 2024 @ 1400 --- Dan A Clear
34574 16 May 2024 @ 1658 --- cb pool is a milky turquoise blue & a little bit cloudy. in overflow
34568 15 May 2024 @ 1937 --- Dan A Back to cloudy
34558 14 May 2024 @ 1330 --- Dan A Crystal clear
34540 13 May 2024 @ 1709 --- cb cloudy, turquoise in color, in good overflow, no bubbles observed. 3 Trees has a 2" bloop & overflowing.
34273 19 Apr 2024 @ 1830 --- MAB Occasional tennis ball size bubbles in center of the clear pool - Upwelling by the center ledge on E side - small strings of bubbles regularly came up from under the two E ledges either side of that that looked like tiny vortexes but I thought it was a trick of lighting! Hard to photograph due to drifting steam and backlighting but my photos seem to confirm these tiny whirlpools all lined up! Neat. = Three Trees pushing out hot water but no splashes seen or heard
34015 10 Feb 2024 @ 1505 --- JR Clear, green, no bubbles
33932 26 Jan 2024 @ 1400 --- JR Opaque turquoise, still bubbles front left.
33908 24 Jan 2024 @ 1310 --- JR Some decent groupings of bubbles, front left.... basin wide uptick in activity. Stronger bubbling and activity out of several features.
29058 22 Oct 2023 @ 1908 --- SantaFe108 Via flashlight. still cloudy, overflowing, bubbling all over the place.
29020 22 Oct 2023 @ 0830 --- SantaFe108 In light overflow and cloudy, bubbling from many areas along the shelf. 3 trees rippling.
28962 21 Oct 2023 @ 1500 --- JR Murky green, bubbling left side
28937 20 Oct 2023 @ 1706 --- MAB Below overflow - Formations past the ridge wet but drying out - at least 8 spots w boils or bubbles
28908 20 Oct 2023 @ 0753 --- MAB light boil in far left lobe - bubbles near the shelf - an additional bubble spot I didn't see on Tuesday - too steamy to see 3 Trees
28858 17 Oct 2023 @ 1729 --- MAB Same boils as morning but better visibility - not too discolored - 3 Trees squirting 4-6 inches
28859 17 Oct 2023 @ 0753 --- MAB SE end light boil - mid pool light boil - most active boils/upwelling was steady 2ft out from the E shelf
28815 15 Oct 2023 @ 1332 --- Dan A Very cloudy with ping pong sized bubbles in many places.
28840 14 Oct 2023 @ 1248 --- SantaFe108 Clear, blue, overflowing with no bubbles. 3 trees feature blipping.
28783 14 Oct 2023 @ 1159 --- MAB clear - calm - a bubble or two by the E shelf and a little more central - Three Trees ie like a drinking ftn bubbler
28718 09 Oct 2023 @ 1420 --- cb clear, calm, overflowing and greenish.
28627 05 Oct 2023 @ 1100 --- cb clear, calm greenish & overflowing. 3 Trees blipping to 3" & overflowing.
28600 30 Sep 2023 @ 1714 --- MAB clear and quiet - Three Trees blipping like a tiny drinking fountain
28278 16 Sep 2023 @ 1045 --- cb Greenish blue, clear, calm & overflowing
27896 01 Sep 2023 @ 1127 --- cb very clear, calm, greenish blue, overflowing. 3 Trees 3" blips & overflowing
27853 29 Aug 2023 @ 1856 --- cb To steamy to see this morning. Tonight it's clear, blue green in color, in overflow. 3 Trees bubbling 2-3" and overflowing.
27792 26 Aug 2023 @ 0920 --- cb pool is clear, green, in overflow, no bubbles. 3 trees has a weak blooping boil & in overflow.
27621 15 Aug 2023 @ 1605 --- cb a tad bit cloudy & greenish with small quarter-ping pong ball sized bubbles floating up and breaking the surface. They look like mini jellyfish. pool is in overflow & 3 Trees is active
27594 14 Aug 2023 @ 1505 --- cb pool is clear, greenish & overflowing. 3 trees is blooping to ~3"-4" and in overflow
27307 28 Jul 2023 @ 2114 --- SantaFe108 Clear and calm, no bubbles, and overflowing. 3 trees feature has tiny splashing.
27217 25 Jul 2023 @ 0855 --- mhreed Much less cloudy than on Sunday.
27195 24 Jul 2023 @ 1230 --- bbev Still cloudy and flat, no bubbles.
27168 23 Jul 2023 @ 1409 --- mhreed Cloudy blue-green color. Reported in this condition this morning by bbev.
27162 23 Jul 2023 @ 1312 --- bbev Looking a little milky today. Previous days observation have been that the pool has been clear and able to see the bottom. Not so today! Three trees is active and clear
27126 19 Jul 2023 @ 1138 --- Polly Crystal clear and calm 3 Trees bubbler is active Tiny bubbler on right is very small and intermittent.
27115 18 Jul 2023 @ 0932 --- Polly Crystal clear
27100 17 Jul 2023 @ 1005 --- Polly Clear and calm. Right bubbler is tiny and intermittent. 3 Trees has light steam.
27072 15 Jul 2023 @ 1135 --- Polly Emerald is clear and calm. 3 Trees active. Bubbler on right very tiny and occasional.
27065 14 Jul 2023 @ 1016 --- Polly Clear 3 Trees and tiny bubbler on right active Small amount of runoff
27046 13 Jul 2023 @ 1135 --- Polly Mostly clear - can’t tell for certain if it’s completely clear due to wind ripples. Tiny bubbler to right and 3 Trees active. No convection seen.
27030 12 Jul 2023 @ 1221 --- Polly Clear with little wind ripples. Bubblers are quiet. I cannot see any runoff. Similar at ~1600.
27029 12 Jul 2023 @ 0855 --- Polly Typical morning steam, but appears to be clear. 3Trees feature is steamy but did not see bubbles. Light overflow.
27010 11 Jul 2023 @ 0930 --- Polly Clear, can see to bottom. Convection left front. 3 Trees a little steamy, right bubbler quiet. Maybe a little overflow.
26992 10 Jul 2023 @ 1640 --- Polly Tiny bubbles and convection left of center. Still cloudy, but less so than 2 hours ago.
26991 10 Jul 2023 @ 1140 --- Polly Emerald is cloudy. Still cloudy at ~1425. Report of heavy rain that lasted about 10 minutes overnight that may be related.
26976 09 Jul 2023 @ 1757 --- Polly Back up and overflowing.
26975 09 Jul 2023 @ 1700 --- Polly Well below overflow.
26964 09 Jul 2023 @ 1445 --- cb clear, green, calm & in overflow. 3 trees is blurping to a few inches & overflowing
26971 09 Jul 2023 @ 1120 --- Polly Emerald is crystal clear this morning. I can see all the way past the logs to the bottom. I did not see any overflow. The right bubbler is slightly bubbling.
26911 08 Jul 2023 @ 1601 --- Polly Convection left front of pool. I cannot see the bottom. (Possibly at least partially due to clouds overhead.) 3 Trees and bubbler to the right are active.
26910 08 Jul 2023 @ 1246 --- Polly Both the Three Trees and a tiny bubbler to the right were ie. I can see to the bottom but there appears to be some slight convection (or possibly just from wind).
26909 08 Jul 2023 @ 1016 --- Polly Very steamy this morning. The three trees area to the left is steaming.
26820 04 Jul 2023 @ 0830 --- MAB clear green with upwelling - Three Trees too steamy to see but did get a few FLIR shots
26744 30 Jun 2023 @ 1049 --- cb clear, calm, green, in overflow
26637 24 Jun 2023 @ 1008 --- cb pool is clear, green, in overflow. 3 trees feature is bubbling to a few inches & in overflow
26508 20 Jun 2023 @ 1340 --- SantaFe108 Green and clear, did not see any bubbles. 3 Trees feature is blooping.
26135 07 Jun 2023 @ 1623 --- Polly Emerald Spring looks better to me than it did yesterday. It was still hard to tell if it was completely clear due to ripples from strong wind.
26121 07 Jun 2023 @ 1000 --- cb pretty steamy but from some clearing it looks to be back to green in color and clear. To much steam to see any bubbles.
26089 06 Jun 2023 @ 1500 --- cb pool is more turquoise blue than green. It's slightly cloudy with a few bubbles breaking the surface. in overflow
26136 06 Jun 2023 @ 1133 06 Jun 2023 @ 1140 Polly Bubblers on the left and right sides active. Light overflow front right. Convection seen in two points. Reflection of the clouds & trees in the pool (sun is behind a cloud). Back wall & logs on the bottom are fuzzy (not clearly seen). Strong sulfur smell.
25853 28 May 2023 @ 1915 --- SantaFe108 Overflowing with clear, green water. Spouter to the far left in the stand of fallen trees blooping and splashing <6 inches tall. RE cb: Thank you for the info! I was wondering if that was the 3 trees feature you were mentioning before!
25717 23 May 2023 @ 1025 --- cb clear, green & in overflow. 3 Trees feature is blooping to 2" with overflow
25669 21 May 2023 @ 1515 --- SantaFe108 Full and overflowing.
25474 15 May 2023 @ 2008 --- ypcaribou In active overflow as seen from Norris Sinks. Light gray deposit on hill in runoff channel!
25458 15 May 2023 @ 1809 --- ypcaribou light emerald, full to scalloped edge, can clearly see BB boardwalk below now.
24584 30 Oct 2022 @ 1816 --- ypcaribou Clear blue blue blue
24569 30 Oct 2022 @ 1428 --- ypcaribou Trickle of OF in 3 channels as seen from Norris Sinks
24593 30 Oct 2022 @ 0848 --- MAB Clear and steamy w overflow - 2018 spouter Three Trees ie to 2 or 3 inches
24472 21 Oct 2022 @ 0820 --- MAB Clear, blue, only convection seen zero boils - a few Teeny Tiny bubbles coming out from under east ledge - 2018 spouter Three Trees IE to 3in
24283 06 Oct 2022 @ 1319 --- cb Emerald spring is still calm, clear and more turquoise blue than green.
24270 05 Oct 2022 @ 1130 --- cb still more blue than green, calm, clear & in copious overflow. 3 trees feature is blipping to 2" and putting out small convection waves
24031 23 Sep 2022 @ 1642 --- MAB Beautiful! 2018 spouter Three Trees steamy with visible waves below it
23949 20 Sep 2022 @ 1524 --- ypcaribou Pretty, turqoise blue. Yellow lining pool.In overflow. Feature in trees to left quietly steaming.
29106 19 Sep 2022 @ 1200 --- research-mab 9/19/2022- no time noted - Emerald Spring looks more turquoise in color
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