Last Known Eruption
1d 16h 14m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
25 Oct 2024 @ 1640 ie1d 1h 15m
24 Oct 2024 @ 1525 ie14d 2h 54m
10 Oct 2024 @ 1231 ie7d 1h 13m
03 Oct 2024 @ 1118 ie346d 20h 38m
22 Oct 2023 @ 1440 ie

Interval Statistics

Interval Count4
Min1d 1h 15m
Max346d 20h 38m
Mean92d 6h 30m
Median10d 14h 3m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
35067 10 Jun 2024 @ 0916 --- SantaFe108 Blooping and bubbling, Glacial Melt is low with coffee (+ creamer) -colored water. Milky Complex has no spouting from any vents, the biggest cone is dry and the front-left cone has calm yellow water.
33986 01 Oct 2023 @ 0940 --- research-mab 10/01/2023 0940am Cats Eye & Milky Complex both bubbling with same energy [Note 2023 Log noted the boiling breakout between "Owl Eyes" and the boardwalk {by the danger sign} as 'Milky Complex']
33997 15 Sep 2014 @ 1200 --- research-mab 2014 Gosa SPUT Vol28, No 5: - no dates or times - The area around Cat’s Eye Spring appears somewhat cooler with low water levels.
33996 29 May 1997 @ 1200 --- research-mab 1997 Listserv 5/29/1997 Memorial Day Activity at Norris: - no time noted - “Cat’s Eye Spring” active
33982 02 Aug 1996 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/2/1996 - no time noted - Glacial Melt and Cat’s Eye are both active.
33995 21 Mar 1990 @ 1200 --- research-mab no time noted - activity seen at Norris Geyser Basin on March 21, 1990: Cat’s Eye Spring (continuous)
33994 15 Sep 1984 @ 1200 --- research-mab no date or time - generic end of season date - Glacial Melt G. (103): its bowl remained about ½ full with greenish tinge; the small spouter Cat’s Eye was constantly active to 1’
33993 29 Jul 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab no time noted - date is questionable - CAT’S EYE SPG - if I have it correctly identified, was clear, calm and 193° on {7/29? illegible- temp may also be 143 mab}
33981 15 Jan 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab January 15th, 1982 - no time noted - Milky Complex Cat’s Eye Spring 198º beautiful orange, splashing to 8”. Southern vent – 134º gently bubbling with lots of silicified grasses.
33985 27 Nov 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab Nov 27th 1981 - no time noted - Milky Complex – Cats Eye Spring 202º H20 level down 2”. Glacial Meltº – Brilliant blue opalescent H20, calm with a slight overflow 120º
33992 15 Sep 1980 @ 1200 --- research-mab - no date or time - generic end of season date - Glacial Melt Geyser did not erupt again this summer. A dirty yellow bottom imparted a dingy look. Water level was generally a few inches below the rim. Cat’s Eye Spring to the north perpetually splashed.
33991 15 Sep 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab - no date or time - generic end of season date - Glacial Melt Geyser- had no eruptions this summer although it was half to nearly full of beryl green water. The splasher just north of Glacial Melt, sometimes called Cat’s Eye Spring was in constant action to one foot high.
33980 10 Sep 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab Sept 10 1979 - no time noted - Glacial Melt Geyser 123° = splasher below it 194°
33990 15 Sep 1977 @ 1200 --- research-mab - no date or time - generic end of season date - GLACIAL MELT GEYSER was another of those features that showed color and turbidity changes during the summer. White it had no known eruptions, the water level did fluctuate, especially after August 19. Nearby, CAT’S EYE SPRING was a bubbler all the time.
33979 28 Jun 1977 @ 1200 --- research-mab 06/28/1977 - no time noted - Glacial Melt° 130° / Cat’s Eye 199°
33984 21 Sep 1976 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/21/1976 - no time noted - cats eye 199°, glacial melt 176°
33978 16 Sep 1976 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/16/1976 - no time noted - Glacial Melt – water level seems even lower (~5 more inches) = Cat’s Eye – vigorous bubbling
33989 15 Sep 1976 @ 1200 --- research-mab - no date or time - generic end of season date - Nearby, Cat’s Eye Spring (assigned number 126 last year) spent the summer splashing continuously. A colorful algae mat developed downstream.
33977 03 Sep 1976 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/03/1976 - no time noted - Glacial melt 134º level has dropped - Cat’s Eye 194º
33988 01 Sep 1975 @ 1200 --- research-mab - no date or time - generic end of season date - The vent below Glacial Melt Geyser has been named the CAT’S EYE. It start [sic] the summer as an overflowing spring with an apron of green algae. The earthquake apparently increased the amount of outflow but not the temperature and killed the algae. By late summer a brownish-gold deposit was evident in the runoff channel
33983 11 Jun 1973 @ 1200 --- research-mab 06/11/1973 - no time noted - not positive on feature - Water spouted through broken sinter flat to right of Monument to Change sign. (W of Glacial Melt), while watching for only a couple of minutes, the water subsided & drained
33987 18 Aug 1969 @ 1200 --- research-mab 1969 - no time or date - date inferred from Glacial Melt entry - A small vent started geyser activity about 12 feet west of Glacier Milk
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