Last Known Eruption
2y 30d 6h 19m ago

Interval Statistics

Interval Count30
Max32y 282d 23h 8m
Mean1y 36d 20h 3m
Median2d 10h 24m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
34231 19 Apr 2024 @ 0910 --- MAB very full and quiet - water level connecting to Son of Scummy - Son of S also looked hotter than Scummy on FLIR
29315 31 Oct 2023 @ 1659 --- MAB full or near full - so hot and steamy in the morn nothing was visible but waves in Son Of S. @1700 could see strong boil in the SE lobe closest to Ledge and the center boil in Son of S.
29048 22 Oct 2023 @ 1306 --- SantaFe108 Still a couple inches down with boiling on the left side and in Son of Scummy.
28938 20 Oct 2023 @ 1656 --- MAB Son of Scummy large boils as seen from path - did not go down to smell it :p
28910 20 Oct 2023 @ 1039 --- MAB a few inches low - boiling most far left lobe - Son of Scummy strong center upwelling
28885 19 Oct 2023 @ 1446 --- DanS Rolling boil at center of Northern pool. Smaller boils on South lobe of larger pool.
28849 17 Oct 2023 @ 1359 --- MAB upwelling in SE lobe - weird color - Son of Scummy boiling wouldn't call it erupting
28236 12 Sep 2023 @ 1300 12 Sep 2023 @ 1558 cb pool is seafoam green, calm and has looked like this all summer. Son of Scummy is also seafoam green with tennis ball sized bubbles occationally breaking the surface.
25720 23 May 2023 @ 1117 --- cb Scummy pool and Son of Scummy are VERY high/flooded. Son of Scummy has slight convection waves. Scummy pool has an occational bubble that breaks the surface. color of both pools are a murky green
25530 18 May 2023 @ 0905 --- MAB full and quiet
25056 27 Feb 2023 @ 1400 --- MAB almost full to surrounding level - isolated boil in the lobe nearest Ledge - Son of Scummy more vigorous but not stinky
24520 29 Oct 2022 @ 1807 --- MAB full - all pools connected w a few tiny bubbles - Son of Scummy as full with just the tiniest center blips
24265 05 Oct 2022 @ 1450 --- cb Scummy & Son of Scummy are high and connected. A murky greenish color with light brown edges. no activity observed
24066 24 Sep 2022 @ 1128 --- MAB pretty blue color - all pools same water level - Son of Sc quiet
23416 26 Aug 2022 @ 1415 --- cb both pools are high and connected again. both are a milky turquoise blue color & ip to the rim. SOS has an occational bubble breaking the surface.
23300 20 Aug 2022 @ 0920 --- steve Scummy Pool is blue and opalescent.
23255 18 Aug 2022 @ 1842 --- MAB clear blue-green pools almost connected again - Son of Scummy platform area about 4in above neighbor Scummy dumping water into it
29097 16 Aug 2022 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/16/2022 - no time noted - Scummy Pool is very full and blue – it’s been a while since we've seen that!
23052 05 Aug 2022 @ 1307 --- cb A cloudy light blue color, a few bubbles, ~6" higher than last note. (~8" below overflow) Son of Scummy is a cloudy light blue color, light 4" roiling boil and the pool only rising up and down by a few inches, a fairly steady height at just below overflow.
23006 03 Aug 2022 @ 1135 --- cb Scummy pool has come up and is ~1' below the rim. it is a cloudy colloidal blue color. Son of Scummy is light brown/slightly blue in color with a roiling boil. pool level fluctuates between overflowing to 8"-10" below overflow.
29095 01 Aug 2022 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/01/2022 - no time noted - Scummy turning blue
29096 01 Aug 2022 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/01/2022 - no time noted - Scummy & Son milky blue, clear edges _> larger son bubbling
22854 26 Jul 2022 @ 0940 26 Jul 2022 @ 1142 cb no change. Scummy Pool is still 2'-3' down. Son of Scummy is still filling, erupting, dropping and refilling. S.O.S pool is milk chocolate colored, Scummy is a light greenish color
22724 20 Jul 2022 @ 1030 20 Jul 2022 @ 1146 cb no change in either Son of Scummy or Scummy Pool. still active
29086 16 Jul 2022 @ 1200 --- research-mab no time noted - 7/16 Hurricane Vent and Scummy Pool don’t seem as dark brown. Maybe changing color
22622 16 Jul 2022 @ 1146 --- cb Scummy pool is higher, 1' below overflow & no boil. Som of Scummy is not as active as it has been. pool is not draining as far down and it has a 1' roiling boil. Rain run off from 2 afternoon thunderstorms?
22543 13 Jul 2022 @ 1346 --- cb no change. Did see 1 spike from Son of Scummy that was ~7' high!
22527 12 Jul 2022 @ 1130 12 Jul 2022 @ 1559 cb same activity as past week. Scummy pool is 3' below rim. Son of Scummy is filling and dropping with 3' bursts within both cycles (low and high)
29078 08 Jul 2022 @ 1200 --- research-mab - no time noted - 7/8/22 – Congress Pool and Scummy low water levels
22381 07 Jul 2022 @ 1015 --- steve Son of Scummy started 1015.
22380 07 Jul 2022 @ 0952 --- steve Son of Scummy started from a low pool with some bursts in the 5-10 foot range. Stopped and dropped again at 1013.
22378 07 Jul 2022 @ 0906 --- steve Scummy pool is about a foot and a half below overflow and Son of Scummy is I.E. Son of Scummy can reach 5-6 feet. Son of Scummy stopped and dropped about 0948.
22351 06 Jul 2022 @ 0915 --- cb Scummy Pool is down a good 3' from the rim. milk chocolate brown and STINKS! Son of Scummy is cycling activity, pool drops 2' and it fills with bursts to ~3'. also milk chocolate color
22284 02 Jul 2022 @ 1050 02 Jul 2022 @ 1246 cb Scummy pool is down 3' from rim with 2 areas that have a rolling boil. Son of Scummy pool is high and overflowing with at times a good 3' bursting rolling boil.
22275 01 Jul 2022 @ 0835 01 Jul 2022 @ 1245 MAB 2ft down - Son of Scummy still full and IE - steady stream of water flowing into Scummy from Sunday & Colloidal - some bursts from Son of Scummy rival Whirligig in height
22241 30 Jun 2022 @ 1005 --- cb pool is down 2' below the rim, muddy brown & smells. Son of Scummy pool is down 1' and bursting with a roiling boil to 1.5'. Also muddy brown. 1008 refilling with a more vigorous boil. 1026ie full overflowing and bursting with a roiling boil to 1.5'. 1106 pool dropped agsin.
22176 28 Jun 2022 @ 1353 --- cb pool down 1.5' & son of scummy is ie erupting with a blooping boil to 1'
22170 27 Jun 2022 @ 0817 --- MAB LOW - including channel from Colloidal - Son of Scummy below ground level but much fuller than Scummy - Son of Scummy IE w 1-2ft stinky bursts
21448 23 May 2022 @ 0848 --- MAB Son of Scummy aqua color in a light boil
21031 18 Apr 2022 @ 1150 --- MAB visible now w wind! Full - Son of Scummy same level w center boil
20204 29 Oct 2021 @ 0850 --- MAB Son of Scummy full and quiet
20140 27 Oct 2021 @ 1032 --- cb & Son of Scummy, pools are high, clear blue green, and calm.
20116 24 Oct 2021 @ 0854 --- MAB Full
20000 16 Oct 2021 @ 1227 --- cb Pool is down ~4" from rim. The center is milky blue color, light brown on the edges. Son of Scummy is high and has a 2" roiling boil. Also is blue in the center.
19912 06 Oct 2021 @ 1008 --- cb Scummy and Son of Scummy are overflowing and both have a roiling, blooping boil to 6" in the center of each pool.@ 1410 it has 5 smaller boiling points on the eastern edge of the pool and its stinky again!
19895 05 Oct 2021 @ 1800 --- MAB Full and bluish - Son of Scummy IE
19858 02 Oct 2021 @ 1313 --- cb pool is high and overflowing out channels toward Crackling lake. Color is murky brown/ green. Colloidal pool is overflowing into it. Son of Scummy is high & overflowing with a weak roiling boil.
19705 23 Sep 2021 @ 1600 --- cb Scummy & Son of Scummy are very high and overflowing toward Colloidal pool. Son of Scummy has a 3" high roiling boil and water level is so high both features look connected. Colloidal pool is very high, turquoise blue and overflowing into Scummy pool. @ 1716 both pools dropped 3" below high water mark and Colloidal pool has dropped also and not overflowing into Scummy.
19711 23 Sep 2021 @ 0902 --- MAB Full again including channel from Colloidal - water levels up elsewhere - too steamy to see Son Of S activity but it was full
19616 16 Sep 2021 @ 1257 --- cb Scummy pool is down ~1.5' below the high water level. Colloidal pool runoff is running into SP. SP has a roiling boil on the edge toward Basin. Son of Scummy is filling, erupting & dropping in cycles. 6"-8" roiling boil then pool drops down ~1.5'. VERY STINKY STILL!
19624 16 Sep 2021 @ 0852 --- MAB From above at top of path - Son of Scummy full - too steamy to see splashes- Scummy Pool still low
19551 13 Sep 2021 @ 1532 --- CrisG increased foul odor noted from Constant bench. Noted Son of Scummy to be IE at this time. ended at 1606 and pool drained. Visitor during this time accurately described the scent as "It's like a river of death". Both pools with the foul odor.
19530 13 Sep 2021 @ 1127 --- cb Scummy pool is down ~1.5', muddy light brown with patches of scummy/foamy stuff floating on the top Son of Scummy is erupting to ~1.5' and is in a roiling vigorous boil.
19546 13 Sep 2021 @ 0850 --- MAB LOW - maybe two feet down - all nearby channels dry with deep cracks- Son of Scummy full and bursting - really stinky - after return from a hike Son of Scummy low with some bursting - Colloidal Pool looks like it did something- all 3 pools are gunky brown
18767 31 Jul 2021 @ 0840 --- MAB Low - Son of Scummy or Scummy's Drain was totally quiet - seen again blurping 849
18666 25 Jul 2021 @ 1818 --- cb Pool is down 2'
18486 17 Jul 2021 @ 1934 --- cb Low pool. down a good 8 - 10". Son of Scummy has a 4" roiling boil and is separated from Scummy by 10' of muddy ground
18393 12 Jul 2021 @ 1041 --- cb feature in the N end of the pool is erupting-1'
18040 22 Jun 2021 @ 0853 --- MAB still low - pools not connected
17549 07 Jun 2021 @ 0900 --- MAB low - pools not connected
16949 28 Apr 2021 @ 0930 --- MAB water level down 4-6 inches - pools not connected - pretty blue color
13048 05 Aug 2019 @ 0940 --- MAB low water ~ Son of Scummy w active boil
29883 20 Jul 2000 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/20 - no time noted - "weak Disturbance" Scummy Pool, Colloidal Pool and Sunday Geyser are all “muddy”.
30108 03 Aug 1995 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/3/1995 - no time noted - Scummy is still churning muddy grey in color. Primrose is empty still and Pinto has lower water levels approx 5” below rim.
30092 29 Jul 1995 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/29/1995 Scummy is muddy and boiling. Monarch had heavy sizzling boils over the north vent w/no overflow.
30072 15 Jul 1995 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/15/1995 - no time noted - Water level is low in the pool immediately NNW of Scummy and water continues to drain from Scummy into the low pool.
30065 10 Jul 1995 @ 1200 --- research-mab 7/10/1995 - no time noted - Scummy has boils & a pool to the north is low -”draining scummy”.
30203 11 Sep 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 9/11/1994 - no time noted - Scummy Pool continues with its water level fluctuations.
30175 08 Aug 1994 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/8/1994 - no times noted - Disturbance continues!! Scummy Pool has heavy boil from three vents.
33500 02 Aug 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 8/2/1992 - no time noted - Porcelain Basin seems to have lowered water levels in Son of Scummy and Colloidal Pool. More mud is showing.
30316 26 Apr 1992 @ 1200 --- research-mab 4/26/1992 - no time noted - Scummy – calm
30536 23 Jun 1991 @ 1200 --- research-mab 6/23/91 - no time noted Scummy Pool is still large and boiling. The color of the water is not as brown.
30532 22 Jun 1991 @ 1200 --- research-mab 6/22/91 - no time noted -Scummy is still boiling vigorously.
30523 18 Jun 1991 @ 1200 --- research-mab 6/18/91 - no times noted - Porcelain very active. New Pool near Scummy & trail boiling heavily. A perpetually spouting black-rimmed vent below Ledge on the flat part. The fumerole near the little bridge going down to the ghost forest (near Junction) is spitting water. New mud pot has two craters.
30519 16 Jun 1991 @ 1200 --- research-mab 6/16/1991 - no times noted - “Mini-disturbance” began 5/27 and 6/6 –-Scummy pool – heavy boiling on SE end - Much hot water draining through Porcelain has “withered” algae beds to dull gray rather than their usual brilliant oranges
30516 09 Jun 1991 @ 0903 --- research-mab 6/9/1991 - inferred time after Valentine ie - What we call Scummy Geyser was stinking & spouting.
4752 26 Jun 1989 @ 0000 --- research-mab 6/26/1989 “New Scummy” or “Son of Scummy” gently overflowing this a.m.
4751 24 Jun 1989 @ 1800 --- research-mab 6/24/1989 NEW GEYSER NW side of Scummy Pool d=2m, drained. H20 level 2’ below rim. Had a distinct crater visible after drain one side of rim was broken up. Appeared to be long established.
31256 20 Feb 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab February 20 1982 - no time noted - Scummy Pool 128º beautiful bright blue pool with a little green algae along the rim
31200 15 Jan 1982 @ 1200 --- research-mab January 15th, 1982 - no time noted - Scummy Pool 104º milky blue & calm
31586 27 Nov 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab Nov 27th 1981 - no time noted - Scummy Pool slightly turbid blue pool 134°
31459 02 Aug 1981 @ 1200 --- research-mab Sunday August 2 1981 The Basin Wide Disturbance has occurred! - no time noted - Scummy Pool- Opaque gray water, 139ºF = = Colloidal - 187º 2 vents boiling to 1 foot – very dark grey-brown turbid water
31796 22 Sep 1980 @ 1200 --- research-mab Monday Sept 22, 1980 - no time noted - One week following the disturbance, some porcelain basin observations: - Turbid white/blue, slight overflow 150ºF
31614 08 Jun 1980 @ 1200 --- research-mab June 8 1980 - no time noted - Scummy – Blue-green and slightly turbid - 146ºF
31988 27 Sep 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab September 27 1979 - no time noted - – 147ºF – clearing up, murky blue-green color, calm.
31949 20 Sep 1979 @ 1800 --- research-mab Thursday Sept 20 1979 - medium gray in color, gently bubbling – 136ºF
31873 20 Jul 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab July 20 1979 - no time noted - Water level in Scummy Pool way down.
31870 15 Jul 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab July 15 1979 - no time noted - SCUMMY Pool – Boiling at east side.
31826 29 May 1979 @ 1200 --- research-mab May 29 1979 - no time noted - consists of about 6 or 7 interconnected pools. Most are beautifully blue but one has a dark grayish froth that that blows off the top.
32194 09 Sep 1978 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/09/1978 - no time noted - Scummy Pool – was very murky grey- all blue coloration was gone – temp 134º
32321 04 Sep 1977 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/04/1977 - no time noted - Scummy Pool is loosing much of its algae & thusly becoming murky grey. = Colloidal’s water output has dropped an inch or so.
32295 13 Aug 1977 @ 1200 --- research-mab 08/13/1977 - no time noted - The Scummy Pool area is beginning to have some orange algae in the shallow areas.
32529 03 Sep 1976 @ 1200 --- research-mab 09/03/1976 - no time noted - Scummy Pool – area of new activity 194º
32754 26 Aug 1973 @ 1200 --- research-mab 08/26/1973 - no time noted - Water levels still low in Porcelain Basin – still no runoff into Pinwheel; Colloidal still much and agitated; Congress still grey & drop of water level a couple of inches; Scummy Pool has settled; Blue geyser is drained at least halfway but shows eruptive activity. Green Apple Cider Spring has agitation – no eruptions seen; Hot Spring to the NW of Green Apple Cider Spring is erupting to at least 3 feet – the diameter is ~ the size of Blue’s basin -& there is considerable runoff (appearing like a large pond) – the runoff flows out toward Constant, then SW between Constant & Africa
32731 18 Mar 1973 @ 1200 --- research-mab 03/18/1973 - no time noted - Scummy Pool Group of 5 irregularly shaped pools to which Basin G. drains. Max temp is in NW end in pool with muddy gray water with gentle bubbling; 180º Rest of pools are cloudy blue with no bubbling, they were covered by a dark black scum last summer.
33110 09 Aug 1972 @ 1200 --- research-mab Aug 6 1972 - no time - 38C 100F A lot of black scum after Aug 9th
33109 31 Jul 1971 @ 1200 --- research-mab July 31 1971- no time - Blue grey color – no bubbling activity as last year. Water 62C (143F)
33108 18 Aug 1970 @ 1200 --- research-mab Aug 18 1970 – no time - water a dark gray from Basin Geyser activity. Air 75F water 118F
33107 18 Jul 1970 @ 1200 --- research-mab July 18 1970 – no time - Changed color because of the muddy water coming from Basin. Small mud pot started above the pool to the east & south -see picture – a hot bubbling pool has also started on one area.
33106 19 Aug 1969 @ 1200 --- research-mab Aug 19 1969 – no time - No change, milky blue water. 102ºF
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