Last Known Eruption
4y 56d 3h 17m ago

Latest Eruptions

Eruption DurationInterval
01 Jun 2020 @ 1607:28 ie6h 41m 49s
01 Jun 2020 @ 0925:39 ie1y 216d 18h 2m
28 Oct 2018 @ 1523 ie175d 3h 52m
06 May 2018 @ 1131

Interval Statistics

Interval Count3
Min6h 41m
Max1y 216d 18h 2m
Mean252d 9h 32m
Median175d 3h 52m

Latest Notes

Note IDStart Time (US/Mountain)End Time (US/Mountain)EntrantNote
35394 20 Jun 2024 @ 2038 --- Tara sustained boiling with a sizable push of runoff on the south edge
21315 16 May 2022 @ 1237 --- Brando almost 3 foot boil
21152 02 May 2022 @ 1017 --- aferrara Boiled up ~5', sustained for ~15s
17126 18 May 2021 @ 0747 --- JimS Shot water at least 4 feet into the air and out of the cone. Continued steadily for 2 minutes as I watched. Was already in progress when I came in sight.
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